Alchemical Flame

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Ignite Your Inner Flame: Transform Darkness into Light

Discover the Alchemical Flame Process—a unique blend of Kabbalistic wisdom and shamanic journeying.

This heart-centered energy healing method helps you embrace your shadows, transmute them into light, and unlock your true potential.Step into your flame. Emerge transformed, empowered, and reconnected to your core essence.

Ready to embark on a journey of profound healing and spiritual growth? Scroll down to learn more about Ofer and how this transformative process can help you heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Awakening the Alchemical Flame: A transformative healing journey

About Ofer

Ofer’s mission is to help you resolve physical, emotional and spiritual challenges. This is shamanic energy work that will not only clear and resolve existing issues, but will help you evolve your life to a new level of wellness and wholeness. The work is done through tracking the nature and root of your issues, typically at the subconscious level, and the removal of energies that “pull you down” from your field while showing you how to transform the connection you always have with divine assistance to a new level that allows you to feel so much more capable of handling whatever life throws at you. The result is a higher level of physical health, energy, and sense of well-being.

Introducing: Alchemical Flame Journey

Listen and Join me twice a month for a journey that could change your life. Click the link to register for the free Alchemical Flame Journeys.

Read a topic for a deeper understanding of how Ofer can assist you with your journey.​


We all experience pain, anxiety, and fear as common patterns of suffering. Regardless of the specific cause of the physical or emotional pain, fear and a wide array of other negative sensations and feelings, I help you transcend and eliminate them by clearing multiple energetic levels and aspects of your being. While it is not necessary to clear ALL factors which led to present suffering, the nature of the work goes very deep. We start with presenting symptoms and feelings and then we trace the energetic pathways as they show in the body, as well as in other dimensions of existence to arrive at and address the real issue and the deeper needs. You are reading this for a reason. Is it time for you to take the step that allows new miracles into your life?


We explore and transform physical/non-physical blocks to falling or staying asleep so you can sleep better. Sleep time can be a doorway for uninvited energetic visitors. When this happens sleep patterns get interrupted, resulting in a lack of sleep and fatigue. We heal and transform the underlying causes of physical and emotional blockages that result in interrupted sleep, restlessness, worry, and anxiety. We bring you to a new state of being where you feel at peace and can relax when your body needs it.


When you reconnect with your true self and can truly distinguish between what’s in you that is not you, and your true divine core of being, you are ready to go to a sacred place where you can activate your innate ability to form your reality with simplicity and effectiveness. While this process can be used to manifest anything you need in your life, it is truly a place for spiritual self-growth and empowerment, where simply “being” takes precedence over “doing”. Simplicity and inner beauty are attributes of this profound state of consciousness.


It can feel impossible to maintain a positive state of being when life seems threatening, annoying, chaotic, depressing, anxiety-inducing. We go deep in your heart to discover the source of your soul pain and invite and activate divine assistance to transform and eliminate energetic constructs that create blocks to opening the heart. Once your heart chakra and your physical heart open up because you know it is safe again to allow that opening, you will be simultaneously receiving many beautiful energetic gifts to support your sense of freedom, self-love, joy, and empowerment. This is a small sample of the vast variety of issues we call the human condition. You are reading this for a reason. Is it time for you to take the step that allows new miracles into your life?


We explore and transform physical/non-physical blocks to falling or staying asleep so you can sleep better. Sleep time can be a doorway for uninvited energetic visitors. When this happens sleep patterns get interrupted, resulting in a lack of sleep and fatigue. We heal and transform the underlying causes of physical and emotional blockages that result in interrupted sleep, restlessness, worry, and anxiety. We bring you to a new state of being where you feel at peace and can relax when your body needs it.


As we go even deeper into your heart we clear what is no longer needed and does not serve your purpose anymore. You “meet yourself” at a new, higher level and discover hidden and long-forgotten places of true power and wisdom that will truly lift your spirit and will allow you to receive divine guidance and clarity in a repeatable, comfortable way. This is a small sample of the vast variety of issues we call the human condition. You are reading this for a reason. Is it time for you to take the step that allows new miracles into your life?


"So grateful to Ofer. His skills in working within the body are unparalleled. During sessions with him, I can feel the energy shifting and am always aware of a healthy difference afterward."
Dana Childs, Germany
"Ofer leads me through a compassionate and structured approach to clear deep sabotaging patterns, empowering me to retrieve my skills and innate wisdom."
Sabine, Germany
"Ofer is an attuned accelerator that is able to assist with empathy and effectiveness. Anyone would be lucky to work with him."
"Ofer has helped me eliminate blocked energy which has encumbered me. His gentle and thoughtful ways allow so many shifts with great ease."
The most fortunate of individuals line up to study energy healing with Ofer Niv. Ofer is my go-touch referral for my clients--I have a large energy medicine practice--and I am eager to also recommend him as a teacher. I've entrusted him to serve as a Teaching Assistant for a one-year course and also as a co-teacher for an upcoming one-year course because of several reasons. He is accurate, clear, intensely knowledgeable, and energetically aware. He can gracefully lead you through must-understand topics from protection to chakras, beliefs to interference, and most vitally, the sacred space of the heart. I've personally experienced his guided meditations and know that the shifts experienced will be lovely and deep and saturate your existence. Enjoy your good fortune, it will be life changing.
Cyndi Dale
One of the best healers on the planet today and author of 33 internationally Renowned energy medicine books, including The Subtle Body series.
Ofer was introduced to me by a mutual friend. I had recently been diagnosed with stage 3a kidney disease. At this stage medical science says there is no going back. It’s possible you can slow the progression down. But there simply is no healing at 3a. 5 is dialysis.Ofer has treated me for 2 weeks. I recently had a blood test and there is no evidence of disease. A medical miracle my Drs call it.Ofer has also led me in reclaiming my hope and spirituality. I can’t say enough about the gifts he has led me in finding. These are the best days of my and my family’s lives.
Dan Pankow
Ofer has the essential but very rare qualities that make a true healer: a pure heart, total integrity, compassion, self-awareness, and tremendous gifts and talents. I have experienced first-hand the power of his physical healings that have brought me out of some of the sickest, most physically painful moments of my life. And I have also had nonphysical healings on mental, emotional, and spiritual levels that have changed how I experience the world for the better and fundamentally improved the quality of my familial relationships. He is one of the best and a true gift to all who are lucky enough to work with him.I have also been fortunate to take classes from Ofer. He is a terrific teacher who makes complex concepts accessible and always leaves me with profound ideas to ponder and new ways of viewing things. Ofer is incredibly smart and learned, and combined with his spiritual gifts, he is able to synthesize knowledge from many fields of study and lineages and translate the esoteric into the understandable. Studying with Ofer is not only a way to expand one’s own spiritual knowledge base and healing capabilities but also a deeply effective and enjoyable path to personal healing.
Long Term-Client
"Working with Ofer has been a very liberating, empowering and rewarding experience. I have such profound gratitude for what Ofer has done for me."
W. Yu, Irvine, CA


Alchemical Flame Recap 2024

Discovering Your Life Purpose: The Path from Fate to Destiny

Our Podcast Episodes!

Ep 1 – Jonianne and Ofer: Intro

Ep 2 – Manifest Your Reality Within the Void

Ep 3 – The Golden Orb of Light

Schedule your session with Ofer today!

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